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This website is dedicated to
information on the history of war 
in particular in the Nordic countries

This includes related issues,
 such as preparations and impacts of wars,
as well as national independence and sovereignty.

Anyone may contribute information
and all fair debate is welcome.

Languages: Scandinavian and English

Denne nettstedet er viet
informasjon om krigshistorie
særlig i de nordiske land

Dette inkluderer tilknyttede forhold
 som krigsforberedelse og virkninger av krig,
så vel som nasjonal uavhengighet og selvstendighet.

Alle kan bidra med informasjon,
og all saklig debatt er velkommen

Språk: Skandinavisk og engelsk


- with online archive for anyone - to upload files etc - such as articles, books, photos, links, events.

E-mail discussion list
- - with online archive
for members - to upload files etc - such as articles, books, photos, links, events.

Literature    Links

Wikipedia articles

Astrups krigshistorie

The site and debate is only weakly moderated. 
- meaning that all opinions are welcome, as long as they are presented in a factually oriented and polite manner.
The site is part of an effort to approach truth - and political censorship would therefore be counterproductive.
The site therefore acknowledges the meaning of the following freedoms of opinion and expression:
The United Nations Convention of Human Rights, Article 19 (local copy)

Web address:  &